I have had a very busy week. I have a teen, a preteen and a daughter who thinks she's a preteen. They keep me hopping all around town. For instance, today my teen is half a state away in a Jazz competition...so I'm busy praying he stays safe. The other two have an early release day today so I have to leave in about an hour to get them both. I want to bake or cook, or bake and cook, but we have been busy all week long. Thank the Lord I had leftovers from our Super Bowl Sunday. We've been fending all week on leftovers and quick items. For me fending means a couple of eggs scrambled, some cheese and deli meats, a one minute muffin or a couple of pancakes made gluten free and low carb.
Last night I had Bible study with a friend of mine, Lisa. She is the author and contributor of the
24/7 Low Carb Diner blog and the cook books
Low Carbing Among Friends. She gives me so much useful information and I'm sure I just drive her crazy with all my questions. I so appreciate her wisdom. While we were discussing all my inquiries she mentioned that she had a peanut butter bread recipe that works very well for a bread replacement. So last night I went searching on her blog and found the recipe. Not only does it look easy, but there are a TON of testimonials on how good it is. So today I am going to try
this recipe...after I pick up the kids that is.
Lisa's Mr. Peanut Sandwich Bread courtesy of 24/7 Low Carb Diner |
But that's not the full purpose of this post. Since I was already pinning I started searching for more bread replacement recipes. See I love bread! In case you didn't get the full impact of that statement I'm going to say it again...
I LOVE BREAD!!! I'm not kidding...I love it! I love biscuits, sliced warm right out of the oven bread with lots of butter, toast, rolls, croissants, etc. I love garlic French bread. I love sour dough bread dipped in soup. Do you get the picture? Surprisingly I've been able to avoid bread without too much temptation, but if I'm going to do this life change I know I will need a bread replacement. So therefore the search!!! I found a bunch of replacement breads that I love and I'm going to share the links to several of them today so if you decide to make this change you can find them too.
Low Carb Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread
Zucchini Bread
Basic Quick Bread
Diner Style Coconut Pancakes
Coconut Flour Buns - for cheeseburgers
Mozzarella Cheese Biscuits (with a variation to make them like Red Lobsters...oh YEAH BABY!!!)
And many more...click
here for my Changing my life - Breads board
This is possible! We can do this! With a few adjustments, some time and patience it is possible to make the changes necessary to be the best you (or me) ever!!!
Want proof...this week I've purchased 3 sized smaller jeans, undies and bras...all out of necessity!!! 3 sizes...in about 5 months!!! It can be done!
Till next time...
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